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About COVID-19 and UsFirst and foremost we would like to reassure you that our family has not being sick at all. Also, we are observing the lock down as recommended by the Alberta Health Authority. According to the Canadian Health Authorities, the coronavirus is primarily transmitted person to person through respiratory droplets. It has been said by authorities: “We haven’t seen food or food packaging as a source of transmission” Our deliveries are made door to door with no human contact other than ourselves. We buy ingredients to prepare your pets' food when we do groceries for our own family from the same stores. On top of that we are following up all recommendations on food preparation followed by restaurants. Everything is cooked and immediately frozen when still hot what makes the food safe. Rest assured that if we face any health problem or any situation that deem a risk for your pet or your own family we will rush to advise our clients and stop the business operation immediately.
What you should not feed your dog?You should not feed dogs: cooked bones (as they can splinter and cause gastrointestinal damage), onions, onion powder, garlic, chocolate, coffee or caffeine products, moldy or spoiled foods or compost, avocado, bread dough, yeast dough, grapes, raisins, sultanas (including in desserts), currants, macadamia nuts, fruit stones and pits, fruit seeds, corncobs, green unripe tomatoes and potatoes, mushrooms, fatty trimmings/fatty foods, salt and xylitol (found in many sugar-free chewing gum, lollies, baking goods, toothpaste and sugar-free peanut butter).
What we are doing to prevent the corona virus.Additional steps that Covid-19 pandemics experts suggested, and we adopted at Mamas pet food When we cook your pets meals we are following exactly the same standards suggested on food preparation for humans. Use of discarded gloves and paper towels to clean that are immediately thrown away Every raw ingredient we buy to prepare your pets meal is washed and sanitized as per suggestions of AHS and other health organizations. We doubled our usual standards with hygiene and sanitation, which means at every step the cook wash hands thoroughly, also every pot, cooking tool and table-top is double cleaned and sanitized before use. During the cooking process the food is not touched until is ready to be wrapped up or stored in a container. Once the food is ready, we put the food hot in the final container it goes to the freezer. In other words, do with Mams pet Food the same you do with your own food.
What to do when you resive the food.Additional steps to reassure no cross contamination. When you receive take off the containers form the brown bag that was delivered and discard the brown bag. - You would like to wash the containers or sanitize with wet papers them before storing in your freezer. Keep the food on freezer until time to serve to your pet. Only keep in the refrigerator what you going to use in the next 3 days. Before serving the food defrost it USING MICROWAVE or HEATING the FOOD in any other way.(heating process should help to deactivate any eventual trace of virus that eventually came from cross contamination.) Once thoroughly heated REMEMBER to let it cool. NEVER SERVE HOT FOOD FOR YOUR PET!!! Once the food is at proper temperature it is ready to be eaten. The cooks, like the tuna treats or red beets, put in the microwave for a few seconds, less then a minute just one time. After that you can keep in the refrigerator for a month or out site for one week. In other words, do with Mams pet Food the same you do with your own food.
How it is the befficits the homemade food?Many dogs with allergies, skin conditions, or frequent gastrointestinal upsets respond well to a home-cooked diet. But remember, it’s crucial to your dog’s health that he receive the proper nutrients in the proper quantities.
What should not feed your cat?You should not feed cats: cooked bones, onions, onion powder, garlic, chocolate, coffee or caffeine products, moldy or spoiled foods or compost, bread dough, yeast dough, avocado, grapes, raisins, sultanas (including in Christmas cakes etc.), currants, nuts, fruit stones and pits, fruit seeds, corncobs, tomatoes, mushrooms, small pieces of raw bone or fatty trimmings/fatty foods, salt.
Pumpkin BennefitsPumpkin can help Digestive Health: Pumpkin is a fabulous source of fiber for our furry friends, as well as for us. Pureed pumpkin (with no added sugar or spice) can help dogs and cats with both constipation and diarrhea.
Benefits of Turmeric for DogsNatural detox Anti-inflammatory Natural antibacterial Promotes heart and liver health Reduces blood clots that can lead to strokes and heart attacks by thinning the blood* Promotes digestive health Acts as an antioxidant AND it’s believed to be able to prevent cancer** Offers allergy relief Helps to prevent cataracts Has been used in the treatment of epilepsy Natural pain relief Natural treatment for diarrhea
Salmon BenefitsSalmon is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which support the immune system, may decrease inflammation, and can keep your pet's coat looking shiny and healthy. It's also a good protein source

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